to SpaDES
object at 1, and increment it at each step of time
, or t
. In both cases time
and t
are the loop counters, but only in the second case is the counter being effectively “used” inside the loop.## Simple case:
age <- 1
for (time in 1:10) {
age <- age + 1
## Can you spot the differences?
time <- 10
age <- rep(NA, time)
age[1] <- 1
for (t in 2:time) {
age[t] <- age[t-1] + 1
In both cases, we have to: - initialise a storage vector - define time boundaries - define the step, or incremental unit (in this case implicit) - define the content of the for-loop that is going to be iterated
In SpaDES, events are first defined, then scheduled to happen at a particular point in time:
## initialisation
age <- 1
## boundaries
times = list(start = 1, end = 10)
## event definition (content)
aging <- age + 1
## event execution and scheduling - note the step definition
events <- {
scheduleEvent("aging", when = now + 1)
As you can see, event execution and scheduling in SpaDES have the same fundamental components of a for-loop: initialize, bounds, step, content
## set/create directories
setPaths() ## default temporary directories
setPaths(cachePath = "~/SpaDES_CEFWS/cache",
inputPath = "~/SpaDES_CEFWS/inputs",
modulePath = "~/SpaDES_CEFWS/m",
outputPath = "~/SpaDES_CEFWS/outputs")
## get paths
newModule("loop", path = getPaths()$modulePath)
/!\ Atention: running newModule
twice will overwrite any changes! /!\
We will first built the module “skeleton” and then define its parameters and eventual inputs/outpupts.
is the core any SpaDES modulenewModule
, doEvent
is automatically suffixed with the module name (in this case “loop”, so doEvent.loop
) - /!\ this is very important /!\
, plot
, save
, event1
and event2
is mandatory - /!\ never EVER remove it, or change its name /!\
doEvent.loop = function(sim, eventTime, eventType) {
init = {
## event content
sim$age <- 1
## schedule event
sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, start(sim), "loop", "addOneYear")
addOneYear = {
## event content:
sim$age <- sim$age + 1
## schedule event
sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + P(sim)$Step, "loop", "addOneYear")
warning(paste("Undefined event type: '", current(sim)[1, "eventType", with = FALSE],
"' in module '", current(sim)[1, "moduleName", with = FALSE], "'", sep = ""))
Can you see where initialize, bounds, step, content are?
) or module specificWhat do you think can be a parameter in our case?
, using the defineParameter
functionTime boundaries do not need to be defined as parameters - they have their own special objects
defineModule(sim, list(
name = "loop",
description = NA, #"insert module description here",
keywords = NA, # c("insert key words here"),
authors = person("First", "Last", email = "first.last@example.com", role = c("aut", "cre")),
childModules = character(0),
version = list(SpaDES.core = "", loop = "0.0.1"),
spatialExtent = raster::extent(rep(NA_real_, 4)),
timeframe = as.POSIXlt(c(NA, NA)),
timeunit = "year",
citation = list("citation.bib"),
documentation = list("README.txt", "loop.Rmd"),
reqdPkgs = list(),
parameters = rbind(
defineParameter(name = "Step", class = "integer", default = 1, min = NA, max = NA, desc = "Time step")
inputObjects = bind_rows(
#expectsInput("objectName", "objectClass", "input object description", sourceURL, ...),
expectsInput(objectName = NA, objectClass = NA, desc = NA, sourceURL = NA)
outputObjects = bind_rows(
#createsOutput("objectName", "objectClass", "output object description", ...),
createsOutput(objectName = NA, objectClass = NA, desc = NA)
objectsim$outputs <- sim$inputs
do we have any inputs? What about outputs?
Input and output objects are also defined in defineModule
using the expectsInput
and createsOutput
defineModule(sim, list(
name = "loop",
description = NA, #"insert module description here",
keywords = NA, # c("insert key words here"),
authors = person("First", "Last", email = "first.last@example.com", role = c("aut", "cre")),
childModules = character(0),
version = list(SpaDES.core = "", loop = "0.0.1"),
spatialExtent = raster::extent(rep(NA_real_, 4)),
timeframe = as.POSIXlt(c(NA, NA)),
timeunit = "year",
citation = list("citation.bib"),
documentation = list("README.txt", "loop.Rmd"),
reqdPkgs = list(),
parameters = rbind(
defineParameter(name = "Step", class = "integer", default = 1, min = NA, max = NA, desc = "Time step")
inputObjects = bind_rows(
#expectsInput("objectName", "objectClass", "input object description", sourceURL, ...),
expectsInput(objectName = NA, objectClass = NA, desc = NA, sourceURL = NA)
outputObjects = bind_rows(
#createsOutput("objectName", "objectClass", "output object description", ...),
createsOutput(objectName = "age", objectClass = "integer", desc = "Age vector")
defineModule(sim, list(
name = "loop",
description = "For-loop in SpaDES",
keywords = c("loops", "age", "simple"),
authors = person("John", "Doe", email = "john.doe@example.com", role = c("aut", "cre")),
childModules = character(0),
version = list(SpaDES.core = "", loop = "0.0.1"),
spatialExtent = raster::extent(rep(NA_real_, 4)),
timeframe = as.POSIXlt(c(NA, NA)),
timeunit = "year",
citation = list("citation.bib"),
documentation = list("README.txt", "loop.Rmd"),
reqdPkgs = list(),
parameters = rbind(
defineParameter(name = "Step", class = "integer", default = 1, min = NA, max = NA, desc = "Time step")
inputObjects = bind_rows(
#expectsInput("objectName", "objectClass", "input object description", sourceURL, ...),
expectsInput(objectName = NA, objectClass = NA, desc = NA, sourceURL = NA)
outputObjects = bind_rows(
#createsOutput("objectName", "objectClass", "output object description", ...),
createsOutput(objectName = "age", objectClass = "integer", desc = "Age vector")
Now go back to global.R - or even better do this as a module example in loop.Rmd - to set up the “simulation” runs. 1. Check the event queue before and after running spades
2. Produce module diagrams before running spades
3. Run the “simulation” 4. Compare with outputs produced by the “normal” loop
## Simulation setup
paths <- getPaths()
modules <- list("loop")
times <- list(start = 1, end = 10)
parameters <- list(loop = list(Step = 1L))
## SpaDES Events
mySim <- simInit(paths = paths, modules = modules,
times = times, params = parameters) ## remove the "L" from Step and see what happens
events(mySim) ## shows scheduled events
mySimOut <- spades(mySim, debug = TRUE) ## execute events
events(mySimOut) ##
completed(mySimOut) ## shows completed events
## Loop version
age <- 1
for (time in 1:10) {
age <- age + 1
## Compare outputs
Note that mySimOut is a pointer to the updated/changed mySim
not a true new simList
Notice that below the doEvent.loop
function there are templates for other funcitons that can be used inside the events. Keeping the code inside these functions increases modularity and flexibility, as functions are self-contained.
and the addOneYear
events.### Initialisation function
loopInit(sim) <- function(sim) {
sim$age <- 1
### Aging event function
aging <- function(sim) {
sim$age <- sim$age + 1
so that the appropriate functions are called inside their respective eventsdoEvent.loop = function(sim, eventTime, eventType) {
init = {
## event content
# sim$age <- 1
## OR
sim <- loopInit(sim)
## schedule event
sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, start(sim), "loop", "addOneYear")
addOneYear = {
## event content:
# sim$age <- sim$age + 1
## OR:
sim <- aging(sim)
## schedule event
sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + P(sim)$Step, "loop", "addOneYear")
warning(paste("Undefined event type: '", current(sim)[1, "eventType", with = FALSE],
"' in module '", current(sim)[1, "moduleName", with = FALSE], "'", sep = ""))